Bankers, could I use this loophole to make tons of money off of the bank?

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Bank of America has a referral program: You can get as many referral slips as you want, and fill out your name as the account holder making the referral, and they fill out their info as the person opening an account who were "referred by" me. And basically, every person I "refer" to open an...

Answer (7):

Casey Y

Security would have an issue. That being said, bank branches maybe open a handful of accounts a week. Yeah, when a new bank comes to town, you'll probably see a spike, but most bank branches are not signing up that many people on a daily basis.

Additionally, who responds well to being solicited outside of a bank?


You know, the banks have people that do this already. They are called tellers. And if you go inside the bank doors, and tell them how good you are at getting people to open accounts, they may give you a job. A real job; where you can help tons of people open accounts. The bank may even pay you more than you could make standing outside every day, day by day, in the rain, snow, etc. You may even get health insurance guessed it, a free savings account. :)


problem: you have to trust the person since they will have your account number, name and address
i would not even give my parents this info
i tried and my parents called me up they needed this info,, i said forget it,, they said the bank could not "just guess" what account to put the bonus in


This plan is BS and you would get tired by the 2nd day. Guaranteed

Best of luck


That's called solicitation. If you solicit people outside of the bank they will call the police to either shoo you away or have you arrested.

Beverly S

Sounds like it would work- the problem would be the bank security officer would notice you out there all day & consider it loitering and probably make you leave.


They do