Bank Repo homes auction East Bay Cali?

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I am trying to find FREE listings for bank repo homes that are up for auction. I am most interested in Dublin/Pleasanton CA. Can anyone refer me to someone to help me or a web site to go to?
Thank You

Banks in Livermore, CA

Answer (3):


Send me your email address. I will have a list emailed to you.

My broker is great and will be able to help you.

There is a huge difference between Dublin and Pleasanton though, one city is nice, the other is not.

Do you want Livermore too?

Also, let me know your price range, otherwise the list may be overwhelming.


The pay site was created today, so skip that one, it is a scam.

There is no possible way to "find" a site on the day of its creation.


Wll I know you said free, but this site does have excellent sources it seems, however their is a one time low cost of around 39$ for a year I believe.