Anyone know of a good bank? Chase, city bank?ect...?

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city bank ,
bank of America
Wells Fargo,
Credit union
I'm having a hard time deciding which bank to get an account on. I know all are mostly the same banks and stuff but do you guys have any opinions? Thanks

Banks in Union City, IN

Answer (2):

Sally from Seattle

I prefer credit unions over banks. I do not know how big of a town you live in, but you should visit the credit unions and see if you qualify for "membership." By definition, "membership" in this case does not involve fees, but it is based upon employment or geographical area. It used to be that you had to have an employment connection, such as the State Employees credit union, but since credit unions receive some advantage by increasing their membership, they have often opened their eligibility to others in the geographical area. It is easier to get a loan with a credit union, and their car loan rates are much lower than banks. With that said, if I did not have more than one credit union, I would probably go to Wells Fargo. I do not know why anyone would go to Bank of America, since they have caused so many problems for so many customers, and Chase accounts cost! You may want to ask Chase about their charges, but they do not explain everything sometimes. Good luck!


I've had better luck with credit unions and small neighborhood banks because they are less apt to charge a gazillion fees for every little thing they can charge you for.
That would be a good starting place-checking which and what fees the banks in your neighborhood charge. I don't pay a checking fee for instance. Interest rates are a joke. They're lower than 1930'2 rates-seriously . So that isn't really a good comparison point.