Any famous bank robbers like John Dillinger in the UK?

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Well...didn't you guys have The Great Train Robbery in the 60's. That was pretty well organized. And you had Ronnie and Reggie Kray. Those two were well organized an absolute lunatics.

John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie parker and Clyde Barrows and Ma Barker and her sons were all outlaws. They weren't organized criminals or gangsters like Al Capone, Charles "Lucky" Luciano and the like. They were Depression Era robbers who concentrated mainly on banks, post offices and knocked over police and National Guard armories to replenish their weapons and ammunition. As a side note, don't put an awful lot of stock in Hollywood movies. They have a tendency to take considerable artistic license with many crime figures.


No, banks were not regularly robbed in the UK as they appear to have been (if Hollywood can be believed) in the USA. Partly, I think it is safe to assume, this was due to the fact that we were a more law-abiding society before banks became commonplace. Another reason is that we are a very small country and there are no great wildernesses in which a gang could hide up.

The biggest heists in the UK have been one offs - The Great Train Robbery (which in a way could be classed as a bank robbery as the perpetrators, soon caught, were after old notes being returned for destruction), the Brinks Mat robbery at Heathrow (some caught, some not) and the recent raid on a security warehouse in Kent (thieves caught)

Edit. I've just seen the comment about the Krays. I don't thik they can be likened to John Dillinger. For a start, the public only really became aware of them when they were caughts. They, and other 'criminal families' tended not to go in for spectacular stunts where they could be identified, but things like protection where the victims didn't talk for fear of reprisals and they could use middle men to keep a veneer of respectabilty.


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