A Quiet Windfall For U.S. Banks, or more theft aided by the current administration?

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Since when does the Treasury secretary have the legal authority to enact sweeping changes to tax law? Isn't this another Bush administration hack on the checks and balances of our constitution? The executive branch can do whatever it wants now? A Quiet Windfall For U.S. Banks With Attention on Bailout...

Answer (4):

Who debates a fact? The ignorant

And it's OK for you to vote for the congress who actually created the damn mess in the first place?

now-now.....be careful who you challenge. I'm not politically correct.....I am politically "accurate" !!!

Want proof? Of course you do. Please open if you dare!!! C'mon.....it won't hurt ----------- much.


Want some more pain........okie dokie ----heres the one and only bill the dems voted no to except one dem who actually refused to vote on it. Who's that dem? You guess it.......your new president.....B. Obama!!!
HERE YA GO!!! ))))-->http://www.govtrack.us/congress/record.x...

So it may save you some emotional stress if you place blame on the right people. You're blaming Bush for trying to clean up the spill instead of focusing on who really caused it in the first place.

I even take it to the next level.......who in the living hell voted for this congress and re-elected most of these whores and pimps who are experts at prostituting your tax dollars with your vote?????

Holy Cow!

And his aid doesn't seem to eager to take questions these days either.

As though he should just be able to spend $700 billion on just "whatever."


I can't help but get the feeling I've been cheated.

Some ivy league crooks are laughing at all of us.


Gracias a dios. i no need to work to pay mortgage y fill up gas tank. I helped obama out now he will help me out. Viva Obama, Viva illeegal immigrantes