86-year-old Windsor woman 'forced to work over Bank Holiday' claim?

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An 86-year-old Windsor woman was being forced to work over the long Bank Holiday - sometimes late at night - according to Age UK. The charity says the woman had to report for duty at Epsom racecourse on Saturday, help with a sailing event on the Thames on Sunday, turn out at 10 30 at night on Monday to light a...

Answer (10):


Liked it, made me laugh.

And no I don't agree with Edna, lets have some true Blue Tory Grit of old, lets make these coffin dodges work for their money, anybody think they'd earned it, all these coffin doges, lets work em till they drop.

And if your under 30, look out, that's whats heading your way, and don't think you can invest your hard earned cash in some nice little safe nest egg of a pension for your old age, hahahahaha, because the bankers will go and gamble It All Away, while picking up nice big juicy bonus's, All At Your expense, good innit

Have Fun.


Definitely not, because the comments are destructive criticism and therefore are worthless.
It's a strange thing to want to deprive someone of their anniversary celebration. Diamond Weddings always come with a big party attached, and it would be rather strange if the couple who had been married for 60 years were not invited, and when they did were criticised for it?
Just because this is a Diamond Jubilee doesn't make it any different, and Edna Wilson should be ashamed of herself for trying to make it look like she was concerned for the Queen. She wasn't. What she said in her malicious comments simply revealed her envy, and that is a cardinal sin because it is selfish.
I know that if I'd been in a job sixty years and it was a 24/7 job like the Queen's, I think I'd want to paint the town red on my 60th anniversary. Why wouldn't the Queen want to do so as well? Her family's perceived erroneous behaviour has nothing to do with the celebration.

Back to the drawing board

Iain Duncan Smith interviewed by the Spectator magazine also said 'this is an example of why the new projected state retirement age of 75 does not make any sense', 'many people can make a significant contribution to the Big Society beyond this cut-off point and need opportunities to stay involved'.........


Poor old duck but I suppose it beats being unemployed and forced to sleep under a bridge because you are on the dole and have to be a marshal at the jubilee celebrations.

Criminal Mind

Well I had to work Monday and Tuesday. Not everyone gets time off.


No I don't the jealous old cow! Well said Proud Infidel. How much does it cost every one in the country to keep these famiies and others like Mick Philpot.

Proud Infidel

Your right there,far too many immigrants with large unemployed feckless families,drain on resources and do nothing but whinge and cause trouble.

Glenn Tilbrooks Shoes

One is never too old for some work experience

Sláinte xx'engaged'

Ha good one but at least she got to shake hands with the queen 'Elton'.........

Four Legs Good

Nice work if you can get it