If a girl named Daphne's check is stolen by a girl named Aurora, can Daphne sue the bank?

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If a girl named Aurora took the check that a bank issued to a girl named Daphne, indorsed it by writing Juneau Aurora rather than her first and last name, and deposited it into her account at the same bank that Daphne has, could Daphne then sue the bank starting they are liable? Since the check was meant for...

Banks in Aurora, IN

Answer (3):


No they would have to report it stolen to the police, the bank may instigate fraud charges, but Daphnes target to sue is Aurora


You mean "endorsed" and that seems like a huge waste of time depending on the amount of the check. The first step would be to contact the bank and follow the procedures to claim the stolen funds. If the bank refuses to cooperate despite sincere and persistent effort, then maybe a lawsuit would force its hand, but it costs money and time to file a lawsuit; it's not like sending an email.


No. The bank is not liable for the fraud, that is a criminal issue.

All the bank can do is help provide information to the police and do an internal investigation.