When will Jews finish the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank & claim their Zionist lebensraum?

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Palestine being Wiped From The Map™ http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/d9f96bd3664e4d3c529d595c16bde2ce.jpg ______________ "It is my unshakeable will that Czechoslovakia shall be wiped off the map." - Adolf Hitler, May 28,...

Banks in Bethlehem, PA

Answer (10):


You've got it completely the wrong way around. It is Muslims that are trying to do the ethnic cleansing. The only goal of Fatah, Hamas and Hezbollah is the destruction of Israel and the mass genocide of all Jews. Israel has no partner for peace in the middle east and never has had. http://www.terrorismawareness.org/what-r...

It is not just the Jews that Muslims which to eradicate, the Muslims are also slaughtering Christians! A mini genocide has been happening in Bethlehem in the last two decades with the Christian population persecuted constantly. It has gone from being a town with a majority of Christians to having virtually none left as the Arab Muslims have all moved in and taken over by the sword. There is no such thing as a Palestinian. The Jews are in the exact same boat as the Christians, they are both being persecuted. It's bad for the obvious reasons but good because scripture shows that we will be persecuted for our belief and is proof we are worshipping the same one true living G d.

Bethlehem's exodus Christians flee Muslim pressure.
…Christians are fleeing the town of Christ's birth, and the much reported hardship that Israel inflicts on residents of the West Bank town has little to do with it. It's the same reality across the Arab world: rising Islamism pushes non Muslims away. Islamists frown on real estate ownership by non Muslims Christian, Jew or anything else. In Bethlehem, where followers of history's most famous baby once thrived, Christians are ceding the land. Since the PA took control of the West Bank in the early '90s, its leaders have taken care to show the world an idealized picture of Muslim Christian solidarity. But it's a facade a way to score anti Israeli political points. That tradition continues: Monday, the Palestinian news agency Maan reported on Palestinian Christians "trapped" in Gaza as Israel refuses to let them travel to Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas with their brethren.

In fact, the Israelis decline to let people travel from Hamas controlled Gaza for the simple reason that Hamas is still sponsoring suicide bomb and other attacks on its civilians. Gaza residents can't go to Egypt, because Hamas and its parent, the Muslim Brotherhood, threaten the regime. Back to the exodus: Fifty years ago, Christians made up 70 percent of Bethlehem's population; today, about 15 percent. Indeed, the Christian population of the entire West Bank mostly Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic, with Copts, Russian Orthodox, Armenians and others is dwindling. But, again, the story's the same in Egypt, Iraq and elsewhere in the Mideast. Practically the only place in the region where the Christian population is growing is in Israel. In Bethlehem, Christians now feel besieged. Growing numbers of rural southern West Bankers from the Hebron area have moved north to Bethlehem in recent years. Many see the land as Waqf belonging to the Muslim nation. They increasingly buy or confiscate land and talk of laws to ban Christian landownership. Full article: http://tinyurl.com/ycuwgmp See also: http://tinyurl.com/3x82ngz

The beef is that one half of one percent of all the land in the middle east is too much for the Jews to have and they want to kill all the Jews in another holocaust. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09pmTh64vD8

Palestinians were not even there for 43 years! They were all Jordanians before 1967 and had Jordanian passports!

Who are the Palestinians? http://www.rosenblit.com/Palestine.htm http://www.masada2000.org/ http://www.masada2000.org/historical.html http://www.peacefaq.com/palestinians.html

Since Israel ended its occupation of Gaza, Hamas has fired thousands of rockets designed to kill civilians into southern Israel. The residents of Sderot which have borne the brunt of the attacks have approximately 15 seconds from launch time to run into a shelter. Although deliberately targeting civilians is a war crime, terrorists firing at Sderot are so proud of their actions that they sign their weapons.

When Barack Obama visited Sderot this summer and saw the remnants of these rockets, he reacted by saying that...

The claim that Israel has violated the principle of proportionality by killing more Hamas terrorists than the number of Israeli civilians killed by Hamas rockets is absurd.
Full Article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123085925621747981.html
Israel's Policy is perfectly proportionate
Author: Alan M. Dershowitz, Professor of Law, Harvard.
Source: The Wall Street Journal (2009)

…The Pope has unfortunately bought into the Palestinians as victim group narrative. And only feeds the lie they tell themselves that they are resisting. The unprovoked acts of terror we have seen against civilians are not the giving in to some last resort tactic any more than were the actions of the Nazis. If the Palestinian leadership has resisted...
Full Article: http://www.totallyjewish.com/news/wolf/?content_id=11797


Doesn't matter anymore. 20 years of depleted uranium in the Middle east...

The Israeli national sperm count has fallen 40% in less than ten years according to the Israeli Sperm Bank. Another eight years and Israel is a disappearing population since 20% live sperm is considered sterility.

The DU was for Lebanon, but the stuff blows.



It is not Israel's goal to ethnically cleanse anyone.
And the proof is in the pudding. 20% of all Israeli citizens are Palestinian Arabs who stayed in 1948.

The only reason there were no Jews in Jerusalem, and the West Bank and Gaza in 1966 was because Arabs ethnically cleansed all the Jews out in 1948.

John Severus

Israel has a sovereign right to protect herself, which you somehow confuse with "ethnic cleansing". Nothing could be further from the truth except for hateful people like yourself.


When the Palestinians drop the 3 No's platform. No peace, No negotiation. No land.
They are the ones who have been uncompromising since 1948.


they haven't even made the Hebrews 12 journey
from Mount Sinai to Mount Sion (isn't Zion), nor
realized only what's above Sion is harmless

such law vs law is as loser vs loser

Cher and Cher alike

PA population has quadruppled under Israeli & post-Israeli care. In Israel proper, Muslim Arabs are 20% of Israeli citizens with full voting & representation.

Therefore anyone accusing Israel of "ethnic cleansing" is a hatemongering propagandist with an agenda at Jews or Israel.

Anyone who can't say Israel & needs to say "zionists" instead, is showing their inablity to respect others.

Anyone in YA much has seen your constant attack posts at Jews & knows your blog is one of the most intensely antisemitic around... and has noticed your links always are bogus with some lying catch to them, & doesnt' bother researching them.



you know, that picture is great, but it forgets the fact that the land was taken by Israel when Palestine attacked them. and it was because Israel wanted to try and get peace that they gave them some land back.

Write on

It's not 'the Jews' who are the problem. It's the Zionists of Israel, which does not mean all Israelis.


It's amazing that the united kingdom is exposed to blatant hate and contempt of idiots. It shows she has sunk like a rock in modern times. And we will be next. (In the US)
The jews have an eternal covenant, and god has (it says in the scriptures) "blinded" them---as he did to saul on the road to damascus. But in order to accept christ. Who is the meshiak they await. One can be patient and kind when one realizes this.