What is the best Bank you can recommend in Austin, TX?

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This is for my savings, checking/debit..

Im looking for good Interest Rate, Customer Service, availability fo ATM stations with many branches within TX..

Banks in Austin, TX

Answer (2):


I agree w/ madfigs. I've been with several different banks over the years and I've gotten the best service and treatment with Washinton Mutual. It's the one bank that I haven't had money missing out of my account or had them deposit the wrong (less) amount. Their locations aren't numerous, but you will have multiple locations to go to. Give them a try.


You might want to check WaMu - they have several branches in Austin and offer an online savings account that has a good interest rate (I think it is around 5%).
The biggest banks in the area (the ones I see the most often) are Bank of America, Wells Fargo and WaMu. You might also want to check out UFCU - they are a little more customer-service oriented, and reimburse service fees at other banks atms, etc, but they don't have (at least that I know of) a high-yield savings account.
There's also several online-only options from different banks that are offering high-interest checking, high-interest savings, free ATM usage, etc it seems like the better option if you are primarily an online bank user, and you don't ever need to go into the physical bank.
Personally, I currently have a checking account with Bank of America and a savings account with an online-only bank that gives me 5% interest and free money transfers, but I am seriously considering moving to an online-only bank for checking as well.